Prenatal Care
Prenatal Care
Shared Decision Making
Our midwife believes that every pregnant person and their support people are entitled to holistic care that takes into account personal values and preferences. Through the ongoing process of shared decision-making, the midwife offers the pregnant person and their partner evidence-based information and options, engages the client in sharing their values, questions, and concerns, and together the midwife and the family develop a plan that provides for informed consent and refusal.
Evidence-Based Information
We follow the typical prenatal care schedule and offer the same lab work, ultrasounds, and genetic screening & testing including non-invasive prenatal testing options.
Educational handouts and consents developed and refined by our midwives are provided regularly to offer information and guidance for the many decisions you will face during pregnancy and while planning your birth.
We are Spinning Babies Enthusiasts and teach and encourage the body balancing techniques to help position your baby for a smooth birth.
Building Trust with Midwives
Our clients get to know their midwife throughout the course of prenatal care. You can expect your appointments with the midwife to last thirty to sixty minutes, and we invite your partner and other family members to join you.
The electronic medical record portal, and email for non-urgent needs help you stay connected. Clients may reach their midwife for urgent needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via our on-call number which rings directly to the midwife’s cell phone and results in a call back within minutes.
What's Prenatal Care Like?
Tailored 45 minute appointments. Unrushed, informative, grounding, kind, empathic.
You have so many questions in your pregnancy. You want TIME for those questions to be answered. You want to be nurtured, cared for. ​So that's what we do together.
"What should I do when my water breaks? Is it normal to pee this often? Can my other kids be at my birth? Should I take childbirth classes? What do you think about yoga in pregnancy?"
Trust. You want to KNOW who will be at your birth. You want to trust the person who will deliver your baby. You want the hormones of labor (the love hormone, oxytocin, especially) to carry you through to a birth experience you and your partner absolutely LOVE. You want look back at your pregnancy, birth, and new baby time, which are once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and have memories that you love for a lifetime. Because people REMEMBER how they were treated in their prenatal and birth experiences. Women and men remember them deeply. Becoming new parents is transformative. It's more important than your wedding. It forms a new relationship between the partners. It can be one of strength and mutual amazement with a birth that is all that YOU are capable of. And this starts with building trust over the prenatal visits, understanding your own power and that of this midwife to do whatever it takes to help you achieve the best possible version of your prenatal birth and postpartum experience.
Empowering. You want a different kind of prenatal care. You want a care provider who sees you as a powerful decision maker, giving YOU the most up to date, evidence-based options for lab testing, ultrasound, exercise, nutrition, new baby procedures - and YOU decide what is best for your family. You aren't satisfied with a provider (or a group of providers) you barely know telling you what to do, an impersonal approach, possibly suggesting an induction of labor, and giving you restrictions based on a one-size-fits all approach. They have to do it that way because they see thousands of people and work in a litigious mindset. They cannot tailor their care and have all the cogs in the factory work. So everyone gets the same care. Even though in health care, we know that individualizing each person's care gets the best outcomes. And in birth, which is the most intimate version of healthcare, many of us need the trust, warmth, encouragement and knowing our care providers in order to get the best for ourselves and our babies, and our families.