Postpartum Care
Postpartum Visits
Our clients who give birth in their own home receive two postpartum visits within the first week after birth followed by two additional visits at two weeks and six weeks postpartum. These visits may occur in the office, the clients’ home, or via telemedicine. We will review an individualized postpartum care plan with each client.
During the course of your postpartum care, we will address your physical recovery as well as the immense emotional and family adjustment to parenthood that occurs with each new baby, even for experienced parents! At the culmination of your postpartum care, we can provide contraception information and invite you to continue with us for wellness care.

Newborn Care
Our midwives care for your newborn for about 6 weeks after birth, at which time we will refer you to continue newborn care with your pediatrician. During the two postpartum home visits, the midwife will provide California State required screening tests for your baby including cardiac and metabolic screenings, if you choose to have these. We will also refer your baby for a hearing screening to be done within about 6 weeks after birth, and may provide recommendations for providers who can perform circumcision if you desire.
We provide paperwork and a smooth path to obtaining a birth certificate, getting your baby on your insurance, and a social security card. This process is very simple and straightforward.
Placenta Encapsulation
We now also offer Placenta Encapsulation.
Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation
Diminished risk of postpartum depression and potential mood enhancement
Decreased fatigue and improved energy
Faster involution (shrinking down) of the uterus after birth
Replenishment of nutrients, including iron
Potential for increased milk supply and improved lactation experience

Lactation Support
All community based midwives are trained to provide support for breastfeeding/chestfeeding. Additionally, we have several lactation consultants we work with who can visit you and your baby in the home to help with breastfeeding challenges such as nipple or breast pain, problems with latch, issues with milk supply, establishing a pumping routine, and addressing challenges with newborn weight gain.
Our lactation support services are open to anyone who desires them but we are only able to provide home visits for those who were established with us for prenatal care.